It's entirely feasible to sell a property that's currently leased to tenants in Nevada. However, this venture is not without its complexities.To start selling your occupied property, fill out our form below or call us at (844) 2070788 to learn more. In Nevada, selling a house with tenants living in it is legal. It is possible to sell rental property with tenants living in it in Nevada, and many properties being sold nowadays are tenantoccupied ones. Nevada has no regulations on notifying tenants of the potential sale of a rental property. Yes, you can sell a rental property with tenants and you don't have to wait for their lease agreements to end. This guide elaborates on the tenant's rights you need to observe before selling your property to avoid confrontations or misunderstandings. Can you sell your rental property where tenants are currently living? It depends on your lease agreement and what you're able to negotiate.