Asset sales and equity sales offer unique advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered when deciding to sell a business. There is a real disadvantage the seller in not being able to set up a new depreciable base based on the new purchase price you are paying for the business.In an asset sale, the buyer has the advantage of selecting only the most beneficial assets and sidestepping unwanted liabilities. Asset Sale Advantages. Asset sales are the most common method of selling businesses. Each method of selling your business has it's own benefits and drawbacks. Asset sales are generally more advantageous to buyers, while stock sales are more advantageous to sellers. The drawbacks for a seller mainly center around taxes. Understand the benefits of forming an S corp, comparisons to C corps and LLCs, S corp requirements, and more about S Corporations from BizFilings. Read more about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Equity Financing and key considerations for business owners as they grow and scale.