If you are thinking about purchasing a business from someone, you should be aware of Pennsylvania's Bulk Sale Law. In the Fixed Assets work center, in the Fixed Assets view, select the fixed asset and check that the status is set to Capitalized.Defined income for advance payments of goods and services are taxable. The entire IRC section 481(a) adjustment in the year of change is taxable. Revenue Accounting and Reporting enables you to manage revenue recognition in a process that involves the following highlevel steps:. Enter the percentage that each PA business activity represents the total receipts or revenues at the entity level establishment. We will complete the Pennsylvania online business tax registration and the department of revenue's mypath system to apply for a sales tax license. In 2022, Pennsylvania enacted Act. No. 53 (HB1342), which revised the corporate income tax apportionment sourcing rules for sales from intangible assets. ABAON is used when you are retiring an asset and also entering a revenue.