It includes all costs associated with putting an asset into use (such as sales tax, delivery and freight charges, installation, labor, etc.). Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale.Use a Business Bill of Sale to set out the terms for the sale of a business and transfer the ownership and all assets to the buyer. Form 8594 is a tax document required in certain business sales where the buyer acquires assets rather than stock or equity. Any tangible personal property employed in a trade or business should be listed as an asset, i.e. An asset list is a list of ALL items you have purchased or acquired for conducting your business. The list should include a brief description of each item. In an asset sale, the new owner purchases the business's physical assets. The seller retains all rights to the legal entity. Virginia transaction attorney shares how to write an effective and legally binding business purchase agreement.