This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your Virginia or Foreign Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time.Sell Agreement (BSA) is a lifetime contract providing for the transfer of a business interest upon the occurrence of one or more triggering events. If you're planning a buyout, getting a buyout agreement in place is essential. But how do they work exactly? Use this table to look up which countries are compliant with TAA. In Mexico, a business can be purchased through a share purchase, an asset purchase, a merger or a combination of those transactions. Solicitation of Offers from Small Business Concerns and Small Business Teaming Arrangements or Joint Ventures (Multiple-Award Contracts). In this guide, we will explain what buying out a business partner means, how to prepare to buy out a business partner, and more. This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your outofstate LLC.