RMP allows some SNAP households to use their EBT card to buy prepared meals at participating restaurants. SNAP retailers range from local grocers to large supermarket chains.This diversity ensures that SNAP participants have a variety of shopping options. Fill Out Our Online Form: Fill out our online EBT Retailer License application form and submit it to us any time during the day or night. A storeissued coupon generally reduces the amount of sales tax due, while a manufacturer's coupon generally does not, as explained below. Vendors and markets interested in operating SNAP systems must go through similar application processes at FNS to become SNAP-authorized retailers. If you are an authorized retailer, you are required to submit a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP reauthorization application every five years. For a farmers market to become an authorized SNAP retailer, the first step is to confirm your market's eligibility. Then, follow the steps below. Is Selling Food Stamps Illegal?