Those who choose to enter DROP must return a completed application packet to the Retirement Systems Office at least 60 days PRIOR to DROP enrollment date. ERFC must receive and approve your application (ERFC 41A) at least 60 days before your DROP entry date.See application schedule. A Complete Benefits Contacts List for FCPS Employees and Retirees. The plan, available through your employer, allows you to save for retirement on a tax-deferred basis through convenient payroll deductions. The university also offers an after-tax 403(b) plan and an after-tax 457 plan: Roth 403(b); 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. Enroll. This deferred compensation program allows employees to postpone receipt of a portion of their salary and receive its value when they retire. Wage employees can complete this form to enroll in the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.