FT 401(k) Plan – The Franklin Templeton 401(k) Retirement Plan, as amended from time to time. 6.14.15 Please attach your filled out New York State Deferred Compensation Plan Vendor Responsibility.Available in any two out of five years. 3. Here's an overview of how to fill out a 457 retirement plan application for New York State. Enjoy! The name of the plan is the Franklin Bank Corp. Future benefits from the 457(b) Plan will reflect the amount of a participant's voluntary salary deferral contributions plus earnings. Vesting is immediate. The New York City Deferred Compensation Plan is pleased to now be able to offer the New York City Employee IRA. (NYCE IRA) to City employees and their spouses. In this notice from 2007, the IRS provides guidance on deferred compensation reporting for employers and payers.