The Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan (MNDCP) is a voluntary savings plan intended for long-term investing for retirement. If you are eligible for a deferred compensation match or conversion, the questions and answers below will help you make your selection.NACo's Deferred Compensation Program has helped more than 1.5 million county employees and retirees save for and live comfortably in retirement. Complete this form and submit it to your agency human resources or payroll office. 5. Three main sources of deferred income from wages remain: (1) severance pay, (2) equity based awards, and (3) other non-statutory deferred compensation. Follow these steps to enroll in the MNDCP ; 1. Decide How Much to Contribute ; 2. NYS Pension Taxation Requirements By State. Will Your NYS Pension be Taxed If You Move to Another State? All PERS forms are available for print, to download, or to have mailed to you.