A voluntary retirement savings plan that provides quality investment options, investment educational programs and related services. The Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan (MNDCP) is a voluntary savings plan intended for long-term investing for retirement.Details on the Plan's investment offerings can be found in The Guide to Investment Options (PDF). Qualified deferred compensation plans include regular defined benefit plans, 401(k), IRA, and 457 plans. If you have questions about the deferred compensation plan, please contact the Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan at 1-800-657- 5757. 4. The MNDCP offers a variety of investment options to help you build a diversified portfolio. A core menu of investment options that cover seven asset categories including lifecycle and balanced funds, a stable income fund and a mutual fund window. NACo's Deferred Compensation Program has helped more than 1.5 million county employees and retirees save for and live comfortably in retirement.