Deferred compensation plans tend to offer better investment options than most 401(k) plans, but are at a disadvantage regarding liquidity. 457(b) plans and 401(k) plans are very similar.Both offer you the opportunity to make tax-deferred contributions to a retirement account. Distributions can be in the form of a single or partial lump sum withdrawal; monthly, quarterly or annual installment payments; or a rollover to another plan. No information is available for this page. Suffolk University Employee Retirement Plan ("Plan") has been adopted to provide you with the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax advantaged basis. In this article, we'll be covering how deferred compensation plans work, the benefits for your financial plan, and whether they're better than a 401(k). Reminder: To claim a tax credit (with the exception of the household credit and NYC school tax credit) you must complete and submit the appropriate credit form. 401(k) plans are considered deferred compensation plans, they are just unique in their overall functionality.