You can pay your business tangible property taxes on your furniture, equipment, computers, machinery, tools, and business vehicles on the online payment portal. You may file your Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) via online, email, mail, or in person at our business tax department.Several areas have an additional regional or local tax as outlined below. The election provides for no GST (or HST in the HST provinces) to be payable in respect of the purchase and sale of the assets and reduces the cash. The proceeds will be used to take out Fairfax's 2024 and 2025 bond maturities and to extend out the term to 10 years. Investments. A somewhat basic level high level presentation on the nuts and bolts of asset purchase sale transactions. Fairfax India's book value per share (BVPS), our key performance measure, grew again this year at a healthy rate. This Essay tackles a pervasive misperception on the part of regula- tors that director independence significantly increases the efficacy of.