NOTE: Fill in the date in the following two lines only if there is an early cash out date on the assumed obligation. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the following described real estate in __________________ County, State of Washington.To fill out this agreement, first provide the date and the names of the Seller and Buyer. Fill out legal documents online for free. It's simple: we ask you questions and use your answers to complete the documents you need. Purchaser shall also pay at Closing any and all amounts due to the State of Washington that are associated with the sale under this Agreement,. This Agreement and WAC 182-502-0160 apply to billing a client for covered and noncovered services as described in WAC 182-501-0050 through WAC 182-501-0070. Requires legal size paper (8.5 x 14") to print.