The Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes cases such as deceptive advertising, unfair competition, and other forms of consumer fraud. This program requires the Recorder's Office to immediately send out a letter to every homeowner whose title has been transferred to a different homeowner.Using the Online Citizen Reporting System allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the report for free. Legal Document Assistant registrations are valid for two years. Under California Penal Code 475, it is also a crime of forgery to possess or receive, with the intent to pass or sell, any counterfeit item. Has an older loved one's signature been forged? Learn about forgery and the criminal and civil penalties for it from a elder law attorney. Application to File Documents Under Seal in Name Change Proceeding Under Address Confidentiality Program (Safe at Home). Take your originals and copies directly to the Clerk's Office in Room 103 of the Wakefield.