They will probably find out, refuse your visa, or cancel it if already granted. A future ban is also very likely.If a family member has made a visa application to come to Australia and submitted false documentation, it could also affect your Australian visa application. If you provide false documents, we are required to report you to the Department of Home Affairs. This can lead to the cancellation of your visa. Applicants are strictly prohibited from presenting bogus, altered documents or providing false information in their applications. Some criminals in Australia and around the world use scams to promise work or permanent residency in Australia as a way to exploit people and steal money. It was also argued that the "bogus" document must have been "material" to the outcome of the visa application. In this visa refusal case study, we will show you how submitting bogus false documents only jeopardises your chance of getting your preferred visa. In this video I am going to talk about the fake australian immigration letter.