Should be considered forgery especially since you have to sign your name saying everything provided is honest and the best to your knowledge. Customer: Trying to see what type of person i need to contact or if there is a online program to detect forgery on legal paperworkGo to the police and make out a police report. Tell them that you would like your wife prosecuted for the forgery and the fraud. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. If you didnt watch episode 5 dont read. Welcome to the Chicago Police Department's Online Reporting System. You can use the system to make an immediate report of a crime in which you are the victim. Skimming occurs when devices illegally installed on ATMs, point-of-sale (POS) terminals, or fuel pumps capture data or record cardholders' PINs.