The account holder MUST provide an Affidavit of Forgery before any criminal charges can be filed! An affidavit must accompany each forged or counterfeited item.A Forgery Affidavit form is primarily used when the payee's signature has been forged in the process of receiving payment through a Dallas County check. A completed Forgery Complaint Form - This form provides us with the information needed to generate an offense. It MUST be filled out completely and accurately. At the Law Office of Patrick J. McLain, PLLC, we provide assertive and knowledgeable representation for individuals facing forgery charges. Charged with forgery? You'll need the experienced defense of a Dallas white collar crime attorney. Dallas criminal defense attorney Richard McConathy can fight to possibly get these types of criminal charges reduced or dismissed. Our experienced Dallas County Forgery Lawyers offer robust defense strategies to protect your rights and future.