Forgery is simply the creation of a false written document or alteration of a genuine one, with the intent to defraud. This system is for reporting Financial Crimes only.If you wish to file an online report for other crimes, visit the Community Reporting System (CRS). An individual can be charged with forgery and uttering as two distinct offenses if he creates or alters a document and then uses it or attempts to use it. If you still do not want to file your report online, you may call the Fairfax County Police Department's non-emergency number, 703-691-6911. Forging writings such as public records or bank notes to the prejudice of someone else's right is a crime punishable under Virginia Code 18.2-172. The elements of the crime of forgery include the act of making or altering a document and the intent to defraud another. We represent clients charged with all types of theft and fraud offenses, including: shoplifting, larceny, embezzlement, credit card theft and fraud. If you are looking for a fraud attorney to represent you or a family member on a theft or fraud charge in northern Virginia, the PJI Law, PLC ​can help.