This is a list of some of the most common document types. There are many other types of documents for real estate and liens.Once you have filed the PT-61 form with the county and they have accepted it you will no longer be able to edit the filing. Therefore, you should review and research statutes and rules of procedure referenced in the instructions to ensure that the forms are accurate and current. Forgery is a type of fraud that involves making or altering written documents in order to deceive a person or institution. Only one PT-61 form is to be filed with each applicable deed. You can fill out your PT-61 form using our PT-61 eFiling Portal. This serious criminal offense includes making, altering, possessing, uttering (trying to pass off as legitimate), or delivering forged checks. Deposit Account Fraud. Definition. Checks written without sufficient funds in the bank to cover them or written on a closed account.