You can make forged bank statement to avail a loan. I submitted it to Bank A in digital format so as not to make it obvious that I just photoshopped it.Inscribe uses rulesbased fraud detection capabilities and machine learning to generate a full analysis of the legitimacy of an application document. The act of possessing false, forged, or counterfeit documents intended to defraud the United States is a federal crime under Title 18 USC 1002. Many of the straw buyers' loan applications falsely stated that they worked for one of Harris' companies making a substantial salary. "Supporting documents, fake pay slips, fake bank statements, and fake ID cards were created in the name of ineligible applicants," sources said. Harris mailed Wells Fargo a power of attorney document, which allowed Harris to discuss the mortgage and execute documents on his behalf. Document forgery is a criminal offence that involves fabricating a document to give a sense of legal validity to a fictitious fact.