In this episode I went to see Blacksmith Alec Steele so he could give me some tips on forging for beginners. Alec talks about the entertainment aspect for a little bit in the podcast.It's all different ways to go about making money blacksmithing. The entire point of these 4 weeks is to craft something that you haven't done before, so give it a shot! John attempts to forge his very own clinch pick, learning from Blacksmith and YouTuber Alec Steele and Bladesmith Will Stelter. Aegon eventually forges these swords into the Iron Throne, a symbol of power built upon the symbolic submission to his enemies. We are building ourselves one femur of a forge one gigantic steel heating machine and this is just going to be awesome. Radiating best-in-class looks and packed with advanced internal technologies, the Tec X irons' dynamic distance and forgiveness come to life using a hollow body construction, a thin forged PWRSHELL face, and 65g of tungsten.