Warforged have full rights under the treaty of Thronehold and Breland is generally pretty good about rights. Go to Eberron: Rising From the Last War book in the store, then scroll down to the Races section and click on the purchase bar for Warforged.But it's this difficultly makes them extremely appealing to many gamers. Unique among constructs, warforged have learned to modify their bodies through magic and training. Warforged are renowned for their combat prowess, their size, and their single-minded focus. They make steadfast allies and fearsome enemies. That will be Intelligence for you. Warforged are formed from wood and metal, but they are living creatures. The warforged are robots basically mechanical creatures who walk the delicate tightrope of being somewhere between a flesh and blood humanoid type creature. Warforged are powerful, living constructs forged from a combination of wood, stone, and metal.