Filing a False Document under California Penal Code Section 115 PC makes it a felony to file any forged or false document with a public office. An example of this crime would be forging a property owner's name on a deed and attempting to file it with the appropriate government office.These can include bank records, passports, IDs, birth certificates, tax returns, immigration documents, and court papers. Filing a false document is a felony offense that carries a punishment of up to three years in State Prison and the possibility of substantial fines. According to California Penal Code 115, it is illegal to file, register, or record a false or forged document with a California public office. Penal Code 115 PC makes it a crime knowingly to file, register, or record a false or forged document in any public office within the state. For example, you forge someone's signature on a check, but you do not cash it in. A perfect example of this crime is forging an asset transfer deed that claims that you bought a home from a relative. The California Penal Code makes it unlawful to record, file, or register a false document in the country under section 115.