Maricopa Title Alert is a free program which monitors and alerts subscribers when documents are recorded with the Maricopa County Recorder's Office. James Novak, experienced forgery defense attorney will personally provide you with a FREE consultation.Call (480) 413-1499 today. Our Check Enforcement Program has a mission to pursue bad check writers and make them pay up - even if it means taking them to court. Contact the Law Office of James E. Novak at (480) 413-1499 to set up a free consultation to discuss your forgery charges. Online reporting can be utilized for the following non-emergency circumstances: If a suspect is known, do not file a report online, please call 520-568-3673. The Check Enforcement Program is located in the Maricopa County. Attorney's Office Building on the southeast corner of 3rd Avenue and. This fraudulent transfer is typically achieved through forged signatures on property documents, fraudulent deeds, or other deceptive means.