Charges of forgery are categorized as a Class 4 felony. , which expose a person to prison terms of 1.5 to 3.75 in prison, for non-dangerous forgery offenses.Call today for your FREE consultation with an Arizona Possession of a Forgery Device Lawyer, James Novak (480) 413-1499 at the Law Office of James Novak. ARS § 13-2002 defines Arizona's forgery law. The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Forensic Science provides the student with a specialization in forensic investigation as it relates to crime. Attorney, Raymond Kimble is a former police officer and prosecutor who has over twenty years experience defending people charged with Forgery. To schedule a free consultation with a top Phoenix forgery lawyer, call the Belén Law Firm at (602) 715-0908 today. Use one form for each check being submitted. Please PRINT clearly.