If you were charged with creating fake or counterfeit documents or forging a signature, call our Maryland forgery defense attorney for a free consultation. Forgery is the possession with intent to use, creation of, or use of a false writing designed to defraud someone.When someone is facing counterfeit charges, they should consult an experienced Maryland forgery lawyer to start building a strong defense case. Forgery can be the creation of a false document, or changing an authentic one. Section 14-110 - Altered or forged documents and plates (a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. Section 8-606.1 - Forging, Falsifying, or Counterfeiting Signature of Judge, Court Officer, or Court Employee. The law defines forgery as the making of a fake document, the modification of an existing document, or the unauthorized signing of a signature. Forgery of private documents is a serious crime in Maryland. Instructions: This is a fillable PDF form which means you may complete and sign this form electronically.