To report suspected welfare fraud in Mecklenburg County, please telephone our Program Integrity Unit at 704-353-0600 Monday through Friday (8 am to 5 pm). First, choose the consumer complaint form that fits your problem.Feel free to call our consumer assistance line at (919) 716-6000 should you need help completing the form. Before You File a Complaint. NCCash Match is the Department of State Treasurer's program designed to make it easier for unclaimed property owners to receive their money. Ask the bank to verify the check rather than immediately deposit and wire funds. Never provide your bank account or other financial information. Before applying for expungement, you must wait five years after a nonviolent misdemeanor conviction. An expunction is a legal process to remove a criminal conviction or a criminal charge from a person's record and to seal or destroy the state's records. This page shall be filled out and returned with your bid.