To access filings, dockets and documents for a civil, family or probate case, please visit the Miami-Dade County Civil, Family and Probate Courts Online System. Property fraud occurs when an individual uses a forged document to sell, transfer or incumber property that does not belong to them.The forgery defense attorneys at Musca Law are experienced, skilled, tenacious, and relentless when we defend our clients. Contact Musca Law today. If you suspect that someone has obtained a fraudulent deed to your property, notify the Economic Crimes Unit of the Miami-Dade Police Department. Experienced Miami forgery lawyer, Julian Stroleny will assist you throughout the entire process. Call Stroleny Law, P.A. for a consultation! When reporting fraud, waste, abuse of power, or mismanagement, you may remain anonymous if you wish. Please fill out the form Request for Confidentiality - Clerk of Courts and send it to: Clerk of Courts 22 NW 1st Street Miami, FL 33128. Other. This system allows victims of certain non-emergency crimes to file a police report without waiting for a police officer.