Lying on a loan application may seem harmless, but even if a lender does not verify every piece of information, it is still considered fraud. I submitted it to Bank A in digital format so as not to make it obvious that I just photoshopped it.You can make forged bank statement to avail a loan. The main indication that a personal loan offer is possibly a scam is if you receive a phone call, text message, or other direct communication making the offer. It's a federal crime to do what you've done. I represented a bank officer in a federal charge very similar to this except there was a big loss. Criminals may create fake bank or lender websites that look similar to the real sites, hoping you give them your personal information. Giving false information on a loan application to boost your chances of getting approved causes more harm than good. Expert Answers on Fake Documents for Mortgage, Advance Loans in Douglasville GA, and Preferred Lenders. Learn the signs of personal loan scams that target your money and identity.