Uttering forged paper or instrument containing a forged endorsement. Uttering a forged instrument is considered a Class H felony and has the same potential penalty as forging a lease, will, or deed.It is unlawful for any person to forge or counterfeit any instrument, or possess any counterfeit instrument, with the intent to injure or defraud any person. If a person creates, alters, or possesses a forged instrument, the crime is a Class I felony. § 14-121 - Selling of certain forged securities. § 14-122 - Forgery of deeds, wills and certain other instruments. Forgery and counterfeiting and related crimes involving fraud. Learn about this and more at FindLaw's North Carolina Criminal Law section. In North Carolina, "common law forgery" is recognized as a crime and punished as a class 1 misdemeanor.