Once again, if you possess documents that you know are fake and you do so with the intent to defraud you will face one of these Forged Instrument crimes. Whether you insert new matter, delete content or create something new, if you violate the other elements of Forgery you are guilty of this crime.Orange County forgery defense attorney William Weinberg has over 30 years' experience defending forgery and other related criminal charges. While these signatures are not genuine, they are undeniably not forgeries in the legal sense. Forgery is a white-collar crime that involves the practice of falsifying a signature, handwriting, or seal or counterfeiting legal documents. How can a notarized document be forged? Try this: Get a standard sheet of white paper and some crayons. Court Forms, Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. Signature forgery refers to creating or imitating someone else's signature without their permission or authorization, intending to deceive others.