To schedule a free consultation with a top Phoenix forgery lawyer, call the Belén Law Firm at (602) 715-0908 today. If you are facing forgery charges in Phoenix, AZ you need an experienced lawyer to fight for you.Call our team today at (602) 548-3400. The recording of a false document with the county recorder will subject the person to both civil and criminal liability under Arizona's false documents statute. Arizona law defines forgery as: Falsely making, completing, or altering a written instrument. Knowingly possessing a forged instrument. Ms. Seaman Kelly has 30 years of experience in examining a variety of documents in both criminal and civil cases. Forgery is a felony in AZ, and a conviction means serious time in prison and hefty fines reaching into six figures. James Novak, experienced forgery defense attorney will personally provide you with a FREE consultation. Call (480) 413-1499 today.