James Novak, experienced forgery defense attorney will personally provide you with a FREE consultation. Call (480) 413-1499 today.A successful forgery prosecution in Arizona can subject you to a maximum of eight years and hefty fines. A forgery charge has intention behind it and is taken very seriously in Arizona. However, there are many defenses to this type of charge. Forgery in Arizona is classified as a class four felony with harsh penalties as outlined below: First-offense-probation with up to one year in jail; or,. In Arizona, Forgery is specifically defined under A.R.S. 13-2002 as: Falsely making, completing or altering a written instrument. Need a Phoenix Forgery Lawyer? Our legal experts specialize in Arizona forgery cases, from false documents to identity theft. To schedule a free consultation with a top Phoenix forgery lawyer, call the Belén Law Firm at (602) 715-0908 today.