I am first duly sworn and state I am: Name. Important: The person alleging forgery must complete this form in longhand.Visit our Forms catalog to find your Affidavit of Forgery in 2024. Double-check that this form is the one you want and open it in editing mode. I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury the above stated facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This Affidavit is made voluntarily for the purpose of establishing the fact that my signature is a forgery. 7. Do you know who forged your signature? The person alleging forgery must complete this form in longhand. Client "A" signs an affidavit stating his partner client "B" has forged checks to himself and deposited them into his own private account. If you've been charged with forgery, call a forgery lawyer at Spolin Law P.C. at (310) 547-8187.