California fake ID laws make it a crime to possess or display a fake ID if the person intends to use that fake ID to commit a forgery. If you suspect fraud, check available resources, such as references or databases that can verify information in a document.If you want to order the report yourself, you need to fill out the DOJ Record Request Form, get fingerprinted from a LiveScan operator (cost approx. A common problematic situation is when an employee presents new documents and admits that the previously-submitted I-9 documents were not real. Trulioo is the leader in global identity verification, providing real-time online identity proofing for more than 5 billion people in 195-plus countries. Scammers will use different tactics to cheat you out of your money. They might act friendly and helpful or threaten and scare you. If you recieve a letter like this, throw it out immediately! Its a scam targeting San Diego residents.