If you suspect you are being directed to a fake site please go to the actual home web site of the company and inform them of what has happened. If you are arrested for filing false documents with any state agency, you will face prosecution under California Penal Code 115 PC.I've been thinking about making a fake army publication that at a glance looks legit, but is really full of dry, witty, and whacky humor. You may be able to file an incident report online, and once it has been processed, receive a Police Report that can be used for insurance purposes. What goes in the L.I.F.E. File pouch? To learn more about completing and returning voter registration forms, please read the Completing and Returning Voter​ Registration Forms instructional flyer. You have the following options to access Court forms: Electronic Form Programs, Self-Help Center, Form Packets, Individual Forms and Statewide Resources.