Forgery is a serious white collar crime in Virginia that is aggressively prosecuted. It is a felony crime regardless of the value or amount that is forged.Any person who materially falsifies or alters a transcript or diploma from an institution of higher education and fraudulently uses the same for pecuniary gain The case record is publicly available form the Clerk of the Court (it may also be available online). Use this form to report suspected criminal activity. Be as specific and as detailed as possible. In Virginia, identity theft happens to more people than you'd think, and it can take months or even years to clear up. Forgery is the creation, altering, forging, or imitating of any document with the intent to defraud another person. The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a statewide confidential mail forwarding service available to eligible survivors of domestic violence. Signing another's name with permission is not forgery, but be sure that you sign in a way that reveals the permission.