It's super easy and, you know, doesn't get you most likely fired and permanently ineligible for rehire for faking a damn doctor's note. Sign in to your Amazon account and complete the form and include necessary attachments.I was a new amazon seller, selling back in May, June, July, and August. Due to lack and less knowledge, I have used the third party service for brands approval. You have provided documents that appear to have been forged or manipulated to Amazon. In today's video we're going to be going over document manipulation and how one of our clients got suspended and we got them reinstated. I acknowledge that submitting forged or manipulated documents is in violation of Amazon's Seller Code of Conduct. You have supplied documentation to Amazon which appears to be forged or manipulated. Technically it is fraud and forgery but I don't think they would pursue anything criminal in nature. At most, they will have to let you go from your job.