Yes, nondisclosure agreements are enforceable in Texas. That being said, NDAs with a reasonable scope are more likely to hold up in court if challenged.Some NDAs may only last a year or less when information must stay confidential during a negotiation. The effective date is the date that the recipient signs the NDA while the expiry date is when the recipient is no longer expected to protect the trade secrets. Details on forming Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreements in LLCs, including protecting you company name, competition, trade secrets and more. Texas courts have routinely held that, unlike noncompete agreements, nondisclosure agreements do not restrain trade; hence, they are far more enforceable. Confidentiality agreements are very useful to prevent unauthorized disclosures of information, but they have inherent limitations and risks. Disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal covenant between parties that protects sensitive information from being disclosed to competitors and other parties.