An overpayment can happen if there is an ineligibility notice, which disqualifies a claimant in certain cases where they have already received benefits. You must fill out a form for each Notice of Disqualification with an overpayment attached.Please remember to fill out the middle portion of the application. The Benefit Recovery Unit reviews the case and establishes a claim if an overpayment has indeed occurred. Report an overpayment. Complete an overpayment refund form to notify First Coast of an overpayment prior to receiving a demand letter. The Notice of Overpayment will include information on how to appeal. You must appeal the overpayment within 90 days of the date on the notice. (6) The department shall provide a repayment agreement form with each written notice of overpayment that is sent to the obligee. A copy of the notice or agreement under which the overpayment occurred: o Notice of Proposed Assessment (DR-831); o Self-Audit Worksheet and Report, including.