Once the Cost Containment Unit (CCU) has reviewed the overpayment, you will receive a letter explaining the details of the reconciliation. An overpayment can happen if there is an ineligibility notice, which disqualifies a claimant in certain cases where they have already received benefits.An LTD overpayment occurs when your insurance provider gives you more benefits than they believe you're entitled to. We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error. Many times when a third-party payer mistakenly pays a dental provider, the payer will request a refund of the overpaid amount. A detailed explanation of how the refund amount was computed;. • The specific reason(s) for the refund request;. Broward Health is committed to identifying, quantifying and repaying Overpayments consistent with this Policy. Please download the form, complete each field and print. Include the form with your refund so we can properly apply the refund and record the receipt.