If you would like to receive your overpayment as a refund, complete Lines 37 and 38. The client will have 30 days from the date of the Overpayment letter to submit the request and supporting documents.Overpayments. To receive important letters about overpayment recovery waivers, please ensure your mailing address is updated in your IDES account. Create an Overpayment Work Item - Process Steps: Scroll to the Work Item Details section of the page. Select the correct Source from the drop-down list. Collection of an overpayment. In the notice, IDES will ask you to pay back the overpayment. Is there some waiver form I fill out? Do I just type out my own letter to appeal the overpayment with the reasons they mentioned? Providers have the option to submit a Request For Extended Repayment Schedule (ERS).