If you pay an employee more than they should have received in a pay period, you need to know how to correct a payroll overpayment. This form cannot be utilized until after receipt of notification from the employee's servicing payroll office indicating the amount due.The salary overpayment resulted because . Use this model communication to draft a notice to an employee regarding necessary actions to correct overpayment of the employee's salary. The Employee must fill out the ED Repayments Form (Appendix. Complete this form if any of the following applies: You think that you are not at fault for the overpayment and you cannot afford to pay the money back. •. Write a letter to the Social Security Administration. Tell them how much you can afford to pay each month. Overpayment, as used in RCW 49.48. 210, means a payment of wages for a pay period that is greater than the amount earned for a pay period.