In Benefit Overpayment Services, you can make a payment, view past payments, and set up an installment agreement to make monthly payments. Majority of the states are good as long as you don't take employees' wages below minimum wage.You have options, you can ignore them, tell them no, or give them back the money they overpaid you. The law does allow for an employee to voluntarily agree to repayment of any overpaid wages as long as the employee's wages are not reduced below minimum wage. Step 1: To file a Request for Waiver, fill out form SSA-632-BK, called a. "Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery. If you were overpaid, you will receive a written notice in the mail. Use this model communication to draft a notice to an employee regarding necessary actions to correct overpayment of the employee's salary. To access the forms below, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. We inform people about the fact and amount of the overpayment, their right to appeal, and the options to repay or, in some cases, receive waivers for the debt.