Repayments must be made through the DES Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections (OARC). Please note that it is important that you wait 21 days.This document provides an overview of overpayments, how they are classified, why that classification matters, and offers tips for claimants with overpayments. Simply fill in the requested fields and click "Send" to submit the information to the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court's Office, Family Support Services. The DCS Payroll Office will notify an employee when an overpayment is detected. For weeks in which an overpayment is established, a separate overpayment notice will be created for both the PUA and FPUC programs. Complete the top employee authorization portion of the Employer Affidavit; and,; Submit the form via mail to: Arizona Department of Revenue. The salary overpayment resulted because . If the County finds overpayment of a project due to tax consideration that was not due, the contractor will be liable to the County for that amount, and by. This manual is not a complete guide to handling Arizona Workers' Compensation Claims and cannot cover every possible situation.