If it is an excess that you cannot do without or if you graduate it is likely you can go to the bursars office and request a refund. An overpayment occurs when you are paid unemployment insurance benefits you are not entitled to receive.The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has implemented a formal procedure for the recovery of funds in employee overpayment situations. Instructions and form used for taxpayers to claim a refund of an overpayment within the statue of limitations. If a change in situation or income is enough to cause monetary ineligibility, collect the entire overpayment. To pay an overpayment, you can agree to pay the amount in monthly installments. Usually, DSS will ask you to pay off the overpayment in one year. Payment of Fees and Expenses. Providers have the option to submit a Request For Extended Repayment Schedule (ERS). A complete ERS request should be submitted immediately.