Customers needing assistance with their unemployment insurance claim should contact us via phone at 888-737-0259. Please note that this is a secure facility.Instructions and form used for taxpayers to claim a refund of an overpayment within the statue of limitations. On Question 2, check the first box. Also write on the form: "I want all overpayments on my record to be waived, even the amounts you have already collected." In lieu of completing Form NC-14, you may mail a letter containing all of the required information identified on Form NC-14. Please call 1-800-772-1772 or your local field office and we may be able to process your waiver request quickly over the phone. A. Counties must take prompt action to collect any overpayments of Work. First Cash Assistance (WF) or Benefit Diversion (BD). Employees bear full responsibility for funds received in error and are expected to repay overpaid funds to the University immediately.