If you have an overpayment debt, you may be eligible to make a full or partial payment using Pay. Gov or your bank's online bill pay option.You will need your remittance ID in order to repay your Social Security overpayment on Pay.gov. You should file an appeal if the overpayment seems incorrect, you are not clear what caused the overpayment, or the SSA's numbers seem wrong. If SSA sends an overpayment notice that does not include all the required information, it must send a new notice before collection can begin. If the SSA has sent you an overpayment notice, consider consulting with a qualified special needs planner in your area. A workrelated overpayment occurs when SSA issues a monthly SSDI benefit to a beneficiary who is not entitled because of their work activity. To appeal, use SSA Form 561, Request for Reconsideration. You must appeal within 60 days of the day you got the notice.