Making Payments on an Overpayment​​ Payments towards overpaid UC benefits may be completed online at If you made a payment in the past 90 days and believe you have not received credit for it, call Benefit Payment Control at 717-787-4621 for assistance.Complete the paper OSIG 189 Overpayment Referral form and obtain the Buy-In amounts overpaid using Data Exchange 7. Completion of the PA 189 is required to enter Cash Assistance, SNAP, and MA overpayments and refer them through the ARRC system. Looking online it says that Non fraud overpayments can be paid through unemployment over the next 3 -4 years. A waiver of recovery of an overpayment can only be granted when the claimant is without fault in causing it. The PA-501 is a deposit statement used to make a payment and to insure it is properly applied to your employer withholding account. The salary overpayment resulted because .