In most cases, overpayments must be paid back even if you have already spent the money and in some cases, a penalty may be applied. Make sure to fill out Annex B in your overpayment letter within the deadline provided even if you file a grievance.If you have received an overpayment letter, please refer to the FAQ section below before taking any action. These FAQs outline how to respond to an overpayment letter and provide guidance on next steps. To be considered for a waiver of your overpayment, please complete this form. This document provides an overview of overpayments, how they are classified, why that classification matters, and offers tips for claimants with overpayments. USJE and PSAC have been receiving and responding to many requests for assistance as a result of overpayment recovery letters that members are receiving. If you have been overpaid, find out how to report them and how to get ready for the upcoming tax season.